
Framework for Responsible Research & Innovation in ICT

EPSRC Research Project

This project, led by Marina Jirotka from the University of Oxford (PI) and Bernd Stahl from De Montfort University (CI), will build a researcher network focussed upon ethical issues in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) through a baseline study to understand and analyse current perceptions of ethics in ICT. This will be done by interviewing a representative cross-section of the ICT community, starting with the participants in the “The Next Decade” event.

The overall aim of the project is to:

  • develop an in-depth understanding of ICT researchers’ ethical issues and dilemmas in conducting ICT research;
  • provide of a set of recommendations and good practice to be adopted by EPSRC and the community;
  • create a self sustaining ‘ICT Observatory’ serving as a community portal and providing access to all outputs of the project.

If you would like to be part of this network, you can stay informed of current developments by subscribing to our email list at:

Project Phase 1: ‘Landscape of ICT Ethics’

Phase 1  will include a baseline study conducted using a bottom-up approach in order to understand current perceptions of ethics in ICT. This will be done by interviewing a representative cross-section of the ICT community, starting with the participants in the “The Next Decade” event.  We will identify challenges and changes suggested in practice or process as identified by those who most want and need them.

Project Phase 2: ‘ICT Community Ethics Network’

Phase 2 will include series of workshops will be held which will serve to introduce the community to the ethical challenges posed by ICT and some possible responses to them. The workshops will also enable the research community to review the progress of the project and final reports of the landscape study and the case studies.

Project Phase 3: ‘ICT Ethics Case Studies’

Phase 3 will include a number of detailed case studies. These cases will be taken from across the ICT spectrum and will be chosen to reflect a range of issues and contexts. The findings from these case studies will be included within the repository and publicised by the Observatory.

Project Phase 4: ‘Responsible Research & Innovation Observatory’

Phase 4 will include the development of a Responsible Research and Innovation Observatory will be created to hold the information gathered within the project and to disseminate best practice, promote recommendations and engage external communities. Central in the resources held by the Observatory will be curriculum development materials, a New Research Support Pack together with tailorable resources for use in undertaking ethical assessments.

The project is supported by Barbara Gorayska as artist in residence.

More detail on the organisation of the project.

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