
The Concept of Embedded Values and the Example of Internet Security
Friday, June 21, 2013 - 01:12
Many current technological devices used in our everyday lives confront us with a host of new ethical issues to be addressed. Facebook, Twitter, or smart phones are all examples of technologies used quite pervasively which call into question culturally significant values like privacy, among others. The embedded values concept presents the compelling idea that engineers, scientists and designers can create technologies which intentionally enhance cultural and societal values while at the same time minimizing threats to other values.... Read More
Tags: Concepts, FRRIICT call2, research ethics, Embedded Values, Internet Security, Value-Sensitive Design

Redefining Responsibility
Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 18:06
This essay reconsiders the definition of the word 'responsibility' in the phrase 'responsibilty in ICT research' by taking a closer look at a specific branch in the humanities: textual scholarship. This branch can profit extremely well from the collaboration between humanities research and ICT development. The diversity of knowledge present in the ICT-sector is indispensable for the creation of digital editions that are both scholarly responsible as well as interesting for a large public.... Read More
Tags: Concepts, FRRIICT call2, responsibility, ICT ethics, Digital Humanities, Collaboration, Textual Scholarship

Critical Social Information Systems Research
Wednesday, May 1, 2013 - 21:11
Critical theory is a family of theories and approaches. Klein (2009) uses the acronym CSISR (Critical Social Information Systems Research). The purpose of this use of terminology is that to rule out confusion with other uses of the term “critical”. Critical social research can be understood as a family of approaches that can be traced back to Antiquity (Harvey, 1990). In a narrower sense critical social research finds its roots in Kantian and Marxian work.... Read More
Tags: Concepts, critical research, critical theory, information system