Ethical issues

Pre-Owned Games
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 21:19
The market in second-hand or pre-owned games is made possible by provisions in copyright law that allow purchasers of copyrighted works to give or sell their copy to others. Pre-owned games are a contentious issue for game developers and publishers who see them as damaging to the sales and revenue generated by new games.... Read More
Tags: Ethical Issues, Copyright, Development and Play, First Sale Principle, FRRIICT Responsible Innovations in Game Design, Games Retailing, Pre-Owned Games,
Digital technologies for supporting the informed consent of children and young people in research: the potential for transforming current research ethics practice
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 - 02:39
Much research at the intersection of technology and ethics focuses on the impact of technological developments and innovation on wider society. This discussion considers the intersection of ethics and technology from the opposite direction; that is, how technology itself can support the ethical participation of people – particularly children and young people – in research.... Read More
Tags: FRRIICT call2, Ethical Issues, ethics, informed consent, , research governance, children
Parsons & Abbott Digital technologies for informed consent FINAL_0.pdf
Digital Humanities or Hypercolonial Studies?
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 - 14:10
Only 15 years have passed since the first digital libraries were deployed, only 20 or 30 since e-mail became available for us. But it is a matter of facts: there is a significant, growing corpus of digital content available for scholarly research in Humanities, and this is going to change the conditions of our intellectual lives.... Read More
Tags: FRRIICT call2, Ethical Issues, Digital Humanities, social innovation
Final _sanz_hypercolonial_sent3.pdf
Privacy and Personal Health Monitoring
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 19:28
Personal health monitoring (PHM) systems capable of gathering pervasive physiological and behavioural data are currently emerging to supplement existing medical resources.  As a technology designed to operate in the private sphere PHM can digitise, record and analyse the behaviours and health of users.  Current PHM ethics discourse reflects an overly narrow conceptualisation of privacy, at the cost of ignoring privacy implications related to social categorisation and the disempowerment of users.... Read More
Tags: FRRIICT call2, Ethical Issues, ethics, telehealth, ICT ethics, emerging technologies, privacy, personal health monitoring, surveillance
Mittelstadt 2013 - Privacy and Personal Health Monitoring.pdf
ICTD Research – Is It About Right?
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 03:28
This essay grew out of work with early career researchers working in ICTD and in mobile learning, specifically those at the intersection of those two emergent disciplines, the field sometimes called mobile learning for development. It originally provided an overview of issues that are important but not core to their work, for example institutional ethics procedures, and also so raised wider concerns about research interventions using ICT in international development.... Read More
Tags: FRRIICT call2, Ethical Issues, research ethics, development, ICTD
Neural implants, human identity, and perceptions of illness
Monday, June 17, 2013 - 21:34
 Recent developments in the field of neural implants (or neuroprosthetics) present much cause for optimism as well as for caution. This study looks at some of the implications arising from these developments by exploring some contemporary examples and their potential impact on human identity.... Read More
Tags: FRRIICT call2, Ethical Issues, ethics, ICT implants, identity, memory, nanotechnology, neuroprosthetics
Informed Consent
Monday, February 25, 2013 - 16:32
"Informed Consent" is traditionally described as requiring disclosure, understanding, non-control (voluntariness), intention, and competence (Faden & Beauchamp, 1986). The most commonly seen application in ICT is Faden and Beauchamp's "effective consent" model which only requires disclosure and competence for there to be an informed consent action (Flick, 2010). ... Read More
Tags: Ethical Issues, informed consent, affective computing, social networks
Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - 11:29
Even if a technology is developed, it may not become accepted. Society may question the moral authority of a machine developed with artificial intelligence, for example. Just like in normal human social life it needs to be established on what authority a machine makes its judgments. And consequently, respecting their autonomy, this authority should be accepted by those subjected to the actions of that machine (Whitby, 2008). Responsibility also is intimately bound up with moral judgment. As a system makes choices, consequences are produced which affect people.... Read More
Tags: Ethical Issues, responsibility, acceptance, artificial intelligence, authority, emotional human-machine interaction, kitchen robot