
Batya Friedman: 37th Annual University Faculty Lecture
Friday, February 21, 2014 - 20:12
Dr. Batya Friedman's lecture, "The Shape of Being: Technology Design, Human Values and the Future." Technology has values. Design matters. And both have a stake in our futures. How can we design tools and technology so they are more likely to support the actions, relationships, institutions and experiences that humans care about? Dr. Friedman will explain how design information and computing technology are fundamental to humanity, creating the conditions in which we live, express ourselves and experience what it means to be alive. ... Read More
Tags: Discussion, Value Sensitive Design

Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT: Summary of key issues, recommendations, challenges and enablers
Thursday, February 6, 2014 - 00:04
Tags: Discussion, Responsible research and innovation

Rethinking informed consent
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 - 18:58
Professor Derek McAuley (University of Nottingham) talks about Rethinking informed consent. --- ... Read More
Tags: Discussion, informed consent, consent